Lost Soles

In the stride
The soles begin to hole.
Through the journey
They travel with me
Closer than my diary.
They touch,
Like my eyes can see.
Feel too and Get dirty.
Fresh and clean,
Leaving me high on
Dancing oranges
And Ritzy pinks.
Walk along the starry nights.
And a trail of shimmering lights.
With me silently
Comforting happily
All the time.

~Poetry by Priyanka Daga


Priyanka said...

Beautiful work with camera.

Shashank Shekhar said...

As usual, Marvellous!!! Have not seen anything from a long time on this? Are you busy composing something?

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

bonitas fotos muy orijinales un saludo desde asturias

Anonymous said...

Yes, the answer almost same, as well as at me.

Anonymous said...

Your phrase is matchless... :)